#Erythroblastosis_fetalis is defined as a situation whereby a mother of Rh negative is bearing a foetus of Rh positive which result in regular miscarriage.
This is a very fatal condition, bt it can be correct by RHOGAM INJECTION, #care4pregnantmum
you’re right…Rhogam can help prevent the death of the child by destroying the Rh positive of the child
Nice idea , community should be educated by wise medical personnel so as to reduce the foetal mortality rate.
when is the ideal period for a pregnant woman to register for anti-natal
It’s really confusing me because if am a RHnegative now Where and how RH positive come from onto my foetus
It occurs Wen a rhnegativ woman mari a rhpositiv man,nw ur foetus rhblood bcum n contamnatd resultin frequent miscarige
Then what is the likely causes of that and hòw to over it so that some of us can also test on the fruits of our wombs maybe is the very problem am facing please Mr poster draw more light on it
Wen a rhesus negativ woman mari a rhesus positv man, after ur first child who wil be positive, oda chdren re nw at risk
It’s really confusing because if am a RH negative now where and how the RH positive come from onto my foetus oh GOD am sooo worried about my situation of miscarriaging when ever am pregnant my foetus always comes out at around 5 months
People here please help because my problem is serious l always.get miscarriage before 28 weeks instead at around 16 to 17 weeks what are the likely dangers if go 4 RHOGAM Injection at around 8 weeks is it still safe or nt at all
I herd all your complaints, medical case like yours need attention and cautious counselling, finally my advice, ;you have to consult your physician, because managing a patient on social media is likely to be the reason why mistakes will arouse.
Seeing a Patient by medical practitioner is better because the basic sign and symptoms and medical history is of paramount important to suite the case successfully.
Okay, "determination of blood group is genetically defined, so being you Rh- then your husband might be Rh+.if the foetus inherit his father’s blood group, and will have get affected through fetal circulation, whereby blood of the mother will flow into the foetus through umbilical cord, so agglutination occurs which result in miscarriages, I hope you are absolutely convinced with my statement, sorry for late response.