Following are the side effects of thiazides except?

Following are the side effects of
thiazides except?
a) Hypokalemia
b) Hypocalcemia
c) Hepatic coma
d) Impotence

Correct Answer - B
Ans. is ‘b’ i.e., Hypocalcemia
Following are the side effects of thiazides:
Acute saline depletion, hemoconcentration and increased risk of
peripheral venous thrombosis
Nausea omitting diarrhea
Rarely headache, giddiness, weakness, parethesias, impotence
Hearing loss
Rashes, photosensitivity
Hyperglycemia hyperlipidemia o Hypercalcemia
Magnesium depletion
Aggravated renal insufficiency
Brisk diuresis leading to mental disturbance and hepatic coma