From the lecture of notes and credible medical resources

from the lecture of notes and credible medical resources

Tasks of two important organs of the body (liver and kidney) in a summary and comprehensive:

The liver or liver is the busiest, heaviest and largest internal organ or body’s vessel and the largest gland of the body weighing approximately 1500 grams. The basic duties of the liver can be summed up in a few words:


  1. Blood making or Hematopoiesis:

During the second three months of pregnancy (Second Trimester of Pregnancy) the liver is the main organ of the production of blood cells or bleeding operations, and then in the next months of pregnancy, sperm and lymph nodes and postpartum bone marrow (Bone Marrow) and the lymph nodes of the bleeding duties They are moving forward.

  1. Composition or Synthesis: The liver is the main location of the combination of blood plasma proteins such as albumine, globolin, lipoprotein, fibrinogen and the like.

  2. Fueling or Metabolism of sugars, proteins, fats and …

  3. Store or Storage: In the liver, various organic and non-organic substances such as glycogen, fat, amino acids, vitamins, minerals such as iron (Iron) etc. are stored.

  4. Exrection of materials such as drugs, Bilirubin (Bilirubin) and some hormones.

  5. Producing a bitter liquid called Bile or Bile, which has a basic role in digestion and dissolving fats (Fats) and soluble substances in fat.

  6. Detoxification of different substances through Oxidation and Conjugation operations.