Get pregnant with a cyst

Get pregnant with a cyst

The ovaries cyst is a syndrome that concerns the woman who wants to have a child. Here are a few questions that often come back about this kind of cyst and its impact on fertility.

Can we get pregnant despite the presence of an ovaries cyst?
The answer is yes. Several testimonies of women on the net who had one or more ovaries in ovaries say they had the possibility of conceive despite everything. Some may have a single cyst on the right or left ovaries, others can see two or more on the same ovaries or have a cyst on each. Cyst can even appear several times and vary in size (sometimes up to 7 CM). Anyway, the comfort patients: having an ovaries cyst is not a brake on maternity.

What are the risks to the fetus and the mother?
Even if having an ovaries cyst is common, however, it is not harmless. The Cyst needs to disappear otherwise it must be surgery. In this case, there is a risk for the fetus. Some gynaecologists prefer not to touch the ovaries during the pregnancy period. The best solution to adopt is to get the ovaries removed before considering procreate.

Can the cyst be treated during pregnancy?
Usually, the gyn requires a treatment under a pill type lutényl. But the treatment varies from one patient to another, so it’s better to have a personalized diagnosis and treatment with your gyn. It will also be able to answer all your questions and soothe your doubts.