Growth and nutrition

Question –
A newly immigrant, 4 years old child from rural Pakistan was broght to GP for 5-6 mm conjuctival lesion near to cornea in both eyes. Which nutrient deficiency is most likely to cause this lesion?

A. Vitamin D deficiency

B. Vitamin C deficiency

C. Vitamin E deficiency

D. Vitamin A deficiency

E. Folate deficiency

Question-- A newborn baby was found to have absence of both radii. What you will get in full blood count–

A. Decreased RBC

B. Decreased neutrophils

C. Decreased eosinophils

D. Decreased platelets

E. Decreased lymphocytes

Question – A 3 months old girl has weight of 5.5 kgs is on formula feed. how much ounces of milk is required to meet her caloric and fluid requiremet.

A. 10 ounces

B. 15 ounces

C. 18ounces

D. 28 ounces

E. 36 ounces

Question – A carribean lady who was pregnant was given advice about benefits of breasr feeding. She ask about need for any vitamin supplementation to the infants. Which of the following vitamin is now recommended for infants–

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin B

E. Vitamin E