Having lived with atopic dermatitis (skin allergies) more than half my life since I was 7 years old, i went to a lot of MDs seeking for advice on how I could heal myself since they are ofcourse the experts, and all they did was recommend me expensive products that actually just made the condition worse with the meds they gave me, from having it in my arms to having it in my eyes and mouth for a huge part of my highschool and college days and years after that too. I went to multiple dermas and they all recommended the same things that just made you dependent on these drugs. I was a bit hopeless, thinking that i will just never heal from my condition. One day I just decided to take another approach and found out that i can use apple cider vinegar (acv) to alleviate my condition and in just a week my allergies are completely gone and rarely came back, it only did when it gets triggered by allergens but i can just reapply acv to heal again. My point is, yes medical doctors can help but they are not the be all end all of health.
Not trying to offend anybody, just sharing my personal experience.
I just can’t help thinking that I didnt have to endure so much pain not just physically but emotionally had i only found acv earlier.
I’ve experienced exactly the same!! Few doctors recently said Dupixent would treat my root cause of eczema and it was the only way. ($3,000/mo lifelong same drug for organ transplants) I feel so bad for people believing those doctors… Eczema is bad and many feel there is nothing else that will make it better… As I’ve mentioned here , with supplements from a natural Dr. and low histamine diet my skin was 80% better, and 4 months it’s 95% gone! My only creams now are cocunut oil and coconut oil+zinc powder… Not even antihistamines anymore… true mine was steroid creams but with acv I didnt have to suffer flares for months just cause i stopped with the steroid creams. I just had it too easy when I applied acv, you can imagine it was almost like a miracle to me with all those years desperate for a cure at times literally just crying wishing for a cure.
i just had too much irritants like food allergies and let me tell you, it was a lot more than 10 items that could cause my flare even cetaphil gave me flares, that bad. But when I applied acv i forgot about all those irritants now the only irritants i have are harsh soaps like dishwashing soaps.
The doctor recommended aquaphor and eucerin made me allergic to lanolin in it, then for that I was prescribed hydrocortisone with LANONLIN in it, when it was not helping i was prescribed stronger hydrocortisone that wasn’t working so , 4 dose of antihistamines daily, strongest steroids etc… and Dupixent as last… Evey single best Doctor teaching hospital specialist is DUMB … I had to find out for myself took me 3 yrs, after I told one of drs. what I suspected it was, he still told Dupixent was best for me,… he did not even mention that Vitamin D3 is made from LANOLIN!!! My eczema was mild all my life, and Doctors recommendations made it worse!!! Spend soo much $$ for testing, meds, co pays etc… As I said, I’m on NO antihistamines and use only organic coconut oil… Im about to go to the beach in my bathing suit, my skin is 98% perfect!!
Oh boy i can relate! And Im so sorry that you experienced that. Seems like doctors don’t really know their shit and just like acting like they do know shit, it’s either their dumb or they’re trying to milk us like cows which is frankly a lot worse. Yes coconut oil helps a lot too it works like a charm in soothing the worse than sahara desert dryness.