Hello friends we are working on project Global coronavirus

Hello friends we are working on project Global coronavirus

If Any member who is from India, Pakistan, Nepal, or any Asian countries want to apply for following posts.
You will be added as collaborators in our project

  1. Coordinator (Will control 5-10 hospitals data and organize their collectors and keep sure for their trust of data collected)

  2. Collector (Will get IRB from his single hospital & give and collect data printed survey from his hospital, as we will down on ground and take written surveys from them not online one, as to reach all levels of workers in hospitals

  • Each collector should find other 2 friends with him to collect data of surveys, also your other 2 friends, should send to me their information as listed down

** Each country may have many coordinators not must one, as at least each coordinator cover and organize work of 5-10 hospitals

*** Ex. from me to rephrase acc. yours, keep it like this plz:

1- Akash S, University College of Medical Sciences, India (Country)

2- Undergraduate (University)

3- Wanna apply as Coordinator / Local site collaborator (Role)

4- My University hospital is GTB Hospital that i will contact its officials to get IRB approval (Hospital)

  • We have protocol ready as if you asked for it when getting approval of IRB from your hospital
