How do u people manage to study on the days u don't feel like doing anything

How do u people manage to study on the days u don’t feel like doing anything…
For me…"not wanting to do anything " come in phases which usually last for days…though in my mind I know what I must do…but I don’t know wts this…laziness or depression or I dnt know
I want to get over this phase asap …

I generally start solving questions if i don feel like stdyng … Once i analyse my performance ill definitly feel like stdyng

Just talk to some frend(internally,a biggest rival :stuck_out_tongue::speak_no_evil:) and discuss some MCQs…
Once u realise more than half of the answers wer solved by him…u might want to go inside some den…n then u can only come out on the exam date…
P.S- it never happened to me…as i never called

U have to develop your own strategies to beat exhaustion and mood swings. Eat well . Stay hydrated. Sleep adequately

Hi brother… The fact is neet pg board dont want know whether u are emotionally not well or u have any disease or any other things… They just want to know whether u have have correctly answered there 300 questions… Thats all… Brainy people use this time to push as much as they can… Fill their short term memory with facts… Vomit those at exams… Get a good rank and life… And some people who will get emotional now and will remain emotional next year also because they didn’t use their brain and time well

U have plenty of time left after jan 5th to cry, get emotional, sleep, hangout or anything u want to achieve… But use this time well…all the best