How do we differentiate between RV & LV in USG of fetus.?

How do we differentiate between RV & LV in USG of fetus.?

Hi Gunjan. There are various clinchers that help us indetify the RV vs the LV. Here are a few. LV - is a relativelly long chamber with smooth walls, forms the apex of the heart, the mitral valve is inserted more basally towards the atrial side as compared to the tricuspid valve. RV - Is slightly broader and shorter, has a prominent myocardial band - the Moderater band. The tricuspid valve that opens into the RV is inserted more apically on the septum - more towards the apex than the mitral valve. When we look at the heart we check the Veno-Atrial concordance, Atrio-Ventricular concordance & Ventriculo-arterial comordance to rule out various anomalies

RV will be anteriormost.

Also you can trace the LA (just in front of the vertebrae) and mark the LV.