How hyperventilation triggers asthma?

How CNS cause like metabolic alkalosis produce Type 2 Resp failure? what’s the exact mechanism.
2nd, How hyperventilation triggers asthma?

Type 2 RF: simply means hypercapnic resp failure. CO2 levels is controlled by ventilation as Decreased ventilation will cause Hypercapnia. And ventilation is decided by 2 factors: Neuromuscular ability to ventilate and CNS control on ventilation. So there can be 2 possibilities:

  1. Peripheral neuromuscular problem means: Patient “can’t breathe” : like in myasthenia gravis, flail chest

  2. CNS problem means: Patient “Won’t breathe” : like in Narcotic overdose, stroke , Metabolic Alkalosis {high bicarb In blood-> Affect CNS and RR Decreases and pA CO2 increases (resp acidosis) to compensate metabolic alkalosis}