How to calculate your ovulation?

how to calculate your ovulation?

To know your ovulation period, in other words the most fertile period of your menstrual cycle (which starts on the first day of the rules and ends on the first day) you have to deduct 14 days from the end of the vote re cycle. Either 14 days until the next period. This period, so called “fertility”, lasts on average, 5 days a month.

The point on the ovulation

As a reminder, the female cycle is raced by three major phases: the follicular phase, the ovulation phase and the fighting phase. Stages whose duration can, in some women, be more or less regular, making the calculation of the ovulation period more or less annoying.

It’s called ovulation period in the woman, the moment the ovary expels an ovary during the menstrual cycle. The latter was then bitten by one of Fallope’s two trumps, and – if there is a sexual relationship – can then merge with a spermatozoid. The egg so formed will become, a few days later, an embryo.

Each month, the uterus prepares a “nest” to welcome this embryon, by making the uterine muzzle, called “endometre”. If the meeting between ovul and spermatozoid does not take place, the uterus eliminates this endometer: these are the rules.

Generally, ovulation takes place 14 days before the end of the menstrual cycle. Either 14 days before the rules. Generally, yes, because this count only applies to women with a regular 28-day cycle. Among the signs that indicate the approach of the ovulation period are: the increase in body temperature, the appearance of more abundant vaginal secretions (the “cervical glare”), a more important libido, or else, lower abdominal pain, more or less strong according to women.

How to calculate the menstrual cycle?

To know the length of your menstrual cycle, the calculation can’t be simpler! This one starts the first day of rules and ends the day before the first day of the following rules. So, if the first day of the period is dated to the 1st day of the month and the first day before the next day of the period date is dated to the 22nd day of the month, then the period is 21 days. On the other hand, if the first day of rules is dated on the 1st day of the month and the eve of the first day of the following rules is dated to the 29th day of the month, then the menstrual cycle is 28 days.

What about the menstrual cycle of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is interrupted, as the rules disappear. This is why a delay in menstruation – at least for a well-regulated menstrual cycle – is usually a sign that a pregnancy has begun.

And to calculate the due date of pregnancy by the last rules, you just need to count 40 weeks from the first day of the last rules.

My period and ovulation calendar

To make it easier for you to calculate your fertility period,We suggest you use a tool as simple as practical. To do this, you just need to inform in the space provided for this purpose, the date of your last rules and the average duration of your cycle. Thus you will discover your ovulation date, the one of the period most favorable for fertility, but also the date of birth and the moment when you can perform a pregnancy test by blood taking.

And if you’re not currently looking to have a baby, your period and ovulation calendar may simply be useful to you to calculate the date of your ovulation, always based on your last period and average duration don’t go from your menstrual cycles. Do you want even more accuracy to know if you’re in ovulation period? The ovulation test has about 99% reliability!