How to decode baby gesture?

How to decode baby gesture?

Little babies don’t talk, however, they have several means at their disposal to make us understand how they feel. Crying is one of them, but it’s not the only one! As in adults, baby’s body gesture can teach us a lot…

Here’s a small list that will help you decode your little one’s body language:

Baby smiles and moves his legs energetic, kinda like he’s pedaled: he’s very happy and excited about what he sees or hear.

Baby waves his arms and legs in a jerky way, his fists are closed and face: he feels worried. He needs to be caught in your arms or be closely wrapped in a blanket.

Baby has his arms straight and out, he bow and rejects his head back: he is very uncomfortable and would like to be changed or taken care of.

Baby carries his fist to his mouth and suck it strongly: he’s hungry, or his teeth make him suffer.

Baby has his mouth in “O”, with a fixed look, he makes mouth noises and vocalizing: he is particularly interested and focused on what surrounds him.

Baby turns his head strongly from right to left: he has “enough”. The situation or the game is no longer interested and he would like to move on.

Baby carries his hands or feet to his mouth for the suçoter: he is calm and relaxed.

Baby folds his knees to his belly: looking for a more comfortable position or trying to remove gas.
Baby arches his back, tense his toes, face and turns all red: he’s angry!

Baby raises his eyebrows looking at an object, a person: he is very interested and would like to get to know more about the thing in question.

Baby rubs his eyes: he’s tired. Time to get him ready for a nap, because if he goes beyond normal fatigue, he will often be super excited and difficult to calm down.
Baby catches his ears: looking to calm down, for example before sleeping or drinking his milk. If he seems restless and crying at the same time, it is often a sign of physical discomfort (cold, sore teeth, dirty diaper, etc.). ).).).).).).

Baby has his hands wide open and “soft” arms: he is very relaxed and comfortably settled. He releases to take advantage of the situation.

Baby moves his lips, making sucking moves: he’s hungry.

Baby bunches his nose: he doesn’t like what he feels, what he eats, what he sees…

Baby opens his eyes very wide: he’s alert, he wants to play

Of course, every baby is different and you know yours better than anyone! Therefore, your personal list should lie down as your child grows.

Cécile Moreschi, editor of Canal Life