I am having an issue in my normal menstrual periods

I am having an issue in my normal menstrual periods.This month my periods have been delayed for 15 days…

I never had this issue in past…

I am 22 years old unmarried…

Kindly suggest treatment…

You need a Homoeopath expert clinical consultation by your personal visit. Facebook or any social media is a wrong plateform for such a gynaecological trouble.

Please check your T4 lavll ( thyroid)

Polycystic ovarian disease advice ultrasonography

Amenorrhea is ruled out. Dx pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) a hormonal imbalance that causes irregular cycles. Tx. Metformin/clomid & temperature charting with ovulation predictor kit (opks)

Harmonal imbalance can be one reason

For a regular MC u should involve yourself in some Aerobic activities

Rest after a systematic examination a Gynaecologist can help u to solve this issue