I am old graduate manage hardly 3-4 hrs a day to study and forgot most basics of step 1

I want an honest opinion please
I am old graduate manage hardly 3-4 hrs a day to study and forgot most basics of step 1 I am spending a lot of time watching a video or manage one page of FA and feels confused I was thinking to apply on next year match which is impossible now with rate of studying I want to be realistic does it worth to study step 1 and the score is going to be pass/fail soon
Should I start with CK which can give me a push or am I lying to myself
Does really step 1 will make step 2 Ck easier and makes the score better as step 2 CK score now is the most imp
I really need honest opinions i am not sleeping have insomnia thinking a lot having crying episodes that I can’t control
Your help is appreciated

If you have insomnia and stressed about usmle, and you are old IMG who puts usmle as a goal- I would say go for it! It’s better to regret while trying than at the end of your life to regret that you have never even tried. Don’t stop! Those 2-4 hours and a page of FA is better than not studying at all. Next day- do one more hour than the day before. Improve!!! Imagine a baby-they aren’t born knowing how to walk, they fall 1,000,000,000 times before they are strong on their foot! And then they walk like they knew how to do it for the rest of their lives! These words I’m writing as to you as to myself… I’m very old img myself!
You are your best advocate! Push yourself! Remember that USMLE is not a wish, IT IS A GOAL!
If you can’t fly- then run. If you can’t run- then walk. If you can’t walk- crawl. But whatever you do keep move forward!!!