I am solving latest MCC practice tests

I am solving latest MCC practice tests cdms which comes with answer keys. In many cdm questions they ask us to pick up 2 or 3 choices or write 2 or 3 correct answers but in the key most of the time there is only one correct answer, but while solving we try to pick up as much correct option as we can within the given limit. Will it affect our score if we pick up more than 1 answer if we already have a choice to pick more?

Example there is a case of a female 30 weeks gestation G3 P2 A0, passing bright red blood PV for 1 hour, pregnancy is unremarkable so far, Vitals are stable, not in labor, no abdominal pain, no uterine contractions, fetal movements normal and normal fetal heart monitoring. IV line established blood drawn for CBC, coag profile, type and cross match. WHAT ARE THE BEST NEXT STEPS? LIST UPTO 2.

I wrote 1) US abdomen to check location of placenta