I had ACL surgery ( quad graft ) on 5/13 so 2 week ago today

I need some help y’all.
I had ACL surgery ( quad graft ) on 5/13 so 2 week ago today. I’ve been going to pt for several months before surgery and started back like 5 days after surgery.
I’m able to do straight leg raises with no issues but bending my knee is NOT where my pt nor myself want it.
They mentioned today that when I go back to my next post op appointment next Thursday to get my stitches out that they’re likely to try and remove fluid while I’m there. I am SO over getting poked & prodded. Is there anything that y’all would suggest I can do MYSELF to be able to bend better? I keep trying to tell myself that I’m only 2 weeks into this and I have a long way to go but I’m so nervous that the bending should be better right now and I’m terrified that it won’t get any better.

Take it easy Melissa Bullock… Recovery and progress are different for everybody. Better days are coming, stay positive!

Everyone is different but I had pretty minimal expectations that early on. Some can bend farther than others, all depends on your body and the procedure. They wanted me to be at 90 degrees by a certain number of weeks, which I met (I think it was like 6 weeks).

Your still pretty tender and swollen after only 2 weeks so Idk! I was probably around 40- 50 degree flex at that point. I had a meniscus though too so I was non weight bearing for 4 weeks. But my pt wasn’t too concerned about bending that early on. Mostly focusing on extension