I had my first ACL surgery when I was 14 on my right knee

Hello all :wave:t2: new member here. I had my first ACL surgery when I was 14 on my right knee. Patella tendon graft and meniscus repair. Second ACL surgery on my left knee just 3 years ago. Hamstring graft - just ACL no meniscus. I’m day 6 post OP of ACL surgery for the second time on my right (about 13 years in between). Hamstring graft + meniscus removal. Most of it was gone when they went in and part of it they tried to repair just fell apart. They cleared out cartridge and scar tissue. And went through all of my old incisions. It’s is a very different experience and I’m struggling :sob: especially doing it without pain medication this time. My left knee is so sore from baring all weight onto it and my right knee, the incision is down the middle of my knee cap like they used to do (but don’t anymore due to complications with pain and loss of feeling, nerve damage etc). He must’ve just not wanted to create a new scar which I understand. I feel like I see no light at the end of the tunnel :sob::sob: I’m also less than a year post c section (3rd) + a second surgery due to complications.:weary:

On day 6 I’m on my last pain med and im so so nervous for PT Wednesday. I was always on them for 4 weeks after my knee surgeries so I’m very nervous :sob: also 2x on the same knee is NOT at all like the other ones. I already have early onset arthritis in the knee I already had surgery on. Anyone had it done this many times? Insight please​:sob: