I have a friend who's hands look scaly with patches of peeling thick skin

I have a friend who’s hands look scaly with patches of peeling thick skin. When she straightens out her hands the creases of her fingers crack and bleed. She’s tried everything. I noticed she has a similar thick scaly patch on her shin. She can’t afford to see a dermatitis. She loves to cook and has to wear gloves. When she removes the gloves it’s a bloody mess.
Any suggestions?

Dr Pimple Popper. She seriously specializes in skin ailments. I don’t think those patients have to pay but not sure. Do you have a pic?

Ask her to Follow leakyGUT - All skin issue are related to bad Gut health- even if she see a Dumb Dermatologist, they will only give her steroid and Antibiotic - so it’s better "NOT " to see a Dumb Dr who will cause her more issue - stick with natural ingredients - she will be FINE

Your friend should look into state funded health care that could supplement her current health care coverage. Often time there are “premium assistance” programs that will reimburse the insured or pay the premium for the insured, this will allow your friend to seek treatment that is affordable, and possibly free from a dermatologists or allergists. Your friend needs to seek treatment from a qualified specialists in skin disorders.

I cannot wear plastic gloves, it irritates my skin, she will need to speak to a dermatologist, even though its costly for prescribed medications to treat the flares. Dermovate cream is excellent. Have her also observe the different foods, fragrances, detergents etc that is causing the flares, all the best.