I have got a terrible sensation in my throat bony pricking sensation X-ray slight styloid process elongated

I have got a terrible sensation in my throat bony pricking sensation X-ray slight styloid process elongated, oesophageal endoscopy not conclusive. H/o septoplasty nw doctor told me everything is ok slight elongation is normal ,nothing to worry …no one could help went to many. I can’t even concentrate on my studies, depressed, can’t bear the thoughts that I have to carry for life distressed… Please advise

What is the length of styloid process measured? Pain is on side or midline? Did the doctor do intraoral palpation?

They also did CT orofacialmaxillary there they find inferior turbinate hypertrophy n not gave much importance to styloid

If endoscopy is normal don’t worry. It happens in laryngopharyngeal Reflux( LPR) , previously thought as globus pharyngeus.( Is your username coincidence!)

Start a course of PPI. let me know the result of ct neck for stylalgia. Ask the Radiologist for measurement,suspecting eagles syndrome. Get back with results after lockdown is over.

Not a coincidence I kept after researching on myself :joy: will inform you,thanks a lot