Hello guys
I secured a score of 668/800 in NEET exam
Couldn’t be more happy
But I want to tell the people who are about to give this exam
The first step is to believe in yourself
There are no toppers in this exam
There are just people who are persistent and then those who are not
Few simple rules to follow
- Take a page write your goal stick it on the wall in front of you (make sure it’s something you know you can’t achieve )
- stay away from negative people
And if you feel any hint of negativity counter it with positive thoughts - Don’t waste your time on things you can’t control
- make a brief plan of 15-30 days
Then make a plan of one day accordingly a
Night before
Once you start studying just make plan of next one hour just the next one hour.If you know what you want to do in next 60 mins half the battle is won - And last but not the least there may be many problems you might encounter in your journey but luckily enough the solution is simple one STUDY…Yesh you don’t have to do a lot of thinking just open your book and start studying