I'm facing a dilemma. I've been allotted a PG seat in a government

I’m facing a dilemma. I’ve been allotted a PG seat in a government college from my state counseling in round 1. As per the officials, If I don’t join it, I’m debarred from further state counseling. Report and resign without seat leaving bond is only valid till 3rd Feb in my state. After which I’m liable to pay the bond (30 Lakhs). I wanted to participate in All India Round 2. The only way that is possible is if I leave the allotted seat and take the gamble of All India. If I don’t get anything in All India given the current ambiguous scenario, I’m left with nothing. How to go about this? Is anyone else facing a similar issue? Kindly let me know. Thank you

Don’t leave ur confirm seat .

And doing pg in ur state will help u to settle in ur state after pg / as u ll get good social contacts