Im having diarrhea and some stomach issues , gallbladder removed a year ago

Im 6 weeks pregnant can i take flygyl just once? Im having diarrhea and some stomach issues , gallbladder removed a year ago

Do you have any problems after gallbladder removed. I’m also having stones and surgery will be done plz guide me

yeah kind of.sometimes im totally fine and can have pizzas and so Sometimes im gassy even with simple homemade food, have to rush to washroom immediately after eating something, sometimes constipation and then diarrhea but it will take some time to set still better then those gallbladder pain attacks and fear of it bursting .

Group member yeah pain is so worst. It’s fine to like with constipation and diarrhea and gassy rather than having pain every other day

yeah pretty much but one thing is annoying and that is bile throw up. Its yucky but that happens very rarely. Wish u the best. Are u married? If so then best to get it out before pregnancy

Group member yeah I’m married. I’m pregnant 12 weeks but this pregnancy is unexpected so I have to bear this gallbladder pain

doctors are not doing surgery during pregnancy. I’m afraid of problem after gallbladder bladder

yes u have to, dont worry . Just keep taking fiber (ispagol) and , yeah better to not have surgery during pregnancy. Good luck and best wishes for baby and mum

just keep a track of food and green tea is good. Sometimes these stones dissolve on its own after pregnancy and one thing more ive gained about 7kgs without much eating, and it disturbed my hormones too which i think but my gyn says it doesn’t

Group member I got gallstones from my previous pregnancy. And after that 6 months I suffered from pain I was on diet and taking medicine but now pregnant can’t take any medicine

same here, but i got it removed before 2nd pregnancy as in it was almost dead, you can ask your gyn for medicine which are safe, because it might hurt in further trimester

Am 25 weeks pregnant i feel numbness on my left hand. What can i do to make it better.