In endometrial cancer if it is limited to only endometrium not myometrium then what will be the stage of cancer?

In endometrial cancer if it is limited to only endometrium not myometrium then what will be the stage of cancer ?

If endometrial cancer is limited to only the endometrium or less than one-half of the myometrium, it is classified as Stage IA according to the FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) system. Thank you.

If endometrial cancer is limited to only the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) and has not spread to the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus) or beyond, it is typically classified as stage I cancer.

The staging system for endometrial cancer commonly used is the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system. According to the FIGO system, stage I endometrial cancer is further divided into the following subcategories:

  • Stage IA: The cancer is limited to the endometrium.
  • Stage IB: The cancer has invaded less than half of the myometrium.

In both stage IA and IB, the cancer is confined to the uterus and has not spread to other nearby structures or distant sites. These early-stage cancers generally have a more favorable prognosis compared to more advanced stages.

It’s important to note that staging in cancer involves a comprehensive evaluation of various factors, including tumor size, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, and presence of metastasis, among others. This information is used to determine the extent and spread of the cancer, which guides treatment decisions and provides prognostic information. Therefore, a complete staging evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary for an accurate determination of the stage of endometrial cancer.