In rho independent termination of transcription, you said GC rich region is followed by U rich region in the gene

In rho independent termination of transcription, you said GC rich region is followed by U rich region in the gene. But, isn’t uridine only present in RNA?

GC rich region make a hairpin loop by intrastrand basepairing

( This is in rna )

This reduces the length of the rna allowing some physical traction …though to achive a break it would need a weak link

The AT rich region on the dna makes this possible

The template strand which has polyadenine transcribes polyuracil in the rna chain

This polyuracil becomes the weak link since it lacks methyl group which ( methyl group is hydrophobic )

She shld have told AT rich region on template strand and U rich region on transcribed strand ig

Mam said template strand only will have u rich region ( maybe she meant post transcription … definitely they must be T in dna and u in rna )

GC rich region following an A rich rich region on template strand

So that a GC rich region followed by U rich region on the newly synthesised RNA is what I said

The diagram also attached