In single day 3 largest groups.. one of Step 1

Triple Hit in 1 Day:
In single day 3 largest groups… one of Step 1, one of step2Ck and one of Step 2CS have been killed off by copyright strike because some people had posted and asked for copyrighted pirated materials publicly in the group.
2 of those groups were owned by me. 1 was owned by EAMTAR (USMLE Step 2CK Study Group). I am attaching the email which I have received for both the groups I owned. It’s exactly same. Complaint came from Kaplan.
Actually I am working clinically and have no time to run the groups. Also I have finished USMLE tests so it doesn’t matter much to me personally. These groups are helpful to the people in them… not to admins. While those groups are gone… we still have backup groups with tens of thousands of members. We are looking for moderators who are interested in helping us out. You will be in charge of removing spam, removing selling type posts/comments, removing piracy and of course removing leaks.
The number 1 source of group bans is from copyright infringement complaints. If we get good enough moderators who will help us then the groups that remain shall not be removed and as moderator you will be able to pin posts, run crashes in the group, have your own doubts solved easily as you will have better visibility and in general you will be deeply involved in USMLE community… that will help you score better.
So it’s a win win… become a moderator and help us keep groups intact and also benefit from the groups in studies. You are not allowed to exploit group financially though. If interested in being a moderator or if you were previously a moderator in old group which was deleted then please comment below… I will add you as moderator in all groups.