Intratemporal lesion of chorda tympani nerve result in

Intratemporal lesion of chorda tympani nerve result in -

    1. Loss of taste sensations from papilla of tongue
    1. Loss of taste sensations from anterior 2/3’ of tongue
    1. Loss of taste sensations from posterior 1/3’ of tongue
    1. Loss of secretomotor fibres to the submandibular salivery gland

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  • Chorda tympani carries fibers of : -
  1. Taste for the anterior two third of the tongue.
  2. Secretomotor fibers to submandibular and sublingual salivary gland.
  • So, Ideally a lesion of chorda tympani should impair both these functions but-sensations from anterior 2/3rd of tongue are not impaired as an alternate pathway passing through the nerve of pterygoid canal to the otic ganglion exists (which does not pass through middle ear) which is preserved in lesions of chorda tympani.
  • Any lesion of chorda tympani thus leads to dryness of mouth.