Is dams notes frm upcoming 2019 and marrow app(plan B )enough to crack neet 2020

Is dams notes frm upcoming 2019 and marrow app(plan B )enough to crack neet 2020…
N which book is btr : SS magic or roams ? Kindly give ur suggestions

Yes, it is sufficient. better not to use too many sources

If you are aiming NEET 2020 you have enough time to make notes by yourself. Not only your notes are your own; but while making notes you also complete one reading of the subject with thorough concepts. So take marrow plan “c”. Make your own notes. And solve all questions from marrow. Keep adding stuff to your notes. And revise them atleast thrice before exams. You can solve questions from anywhere else you want only after completing marrow notes; and marrow questions and add extras to notes. This is the whole process. And if you do the process right. You will definitely get the results.