Male pseudohermaphroditism is seen in

Male pseudohermaphroditism is seen in
a) 5-a reductase deficiency
b) 21 hydroxylase deficiency
c) 17 hydroxylase deficiency
d) a and c
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is ‘a’ i.e., 5-a reductase deficiency; ‘c’ i.e., 17 hydroxylase
Male pseudohermaphroditism
Genotype is XY
External genitalia are female
Causes of Male Pseudohermaphroditism
A. Defect in testicular differentiation

  1. Deletion of short ann Y chromosome 3. Mixed gonadal
    dysgenesis (MGD).
  2. XY pure gonadal dysgenesis. 4. Dysgenetic
    male pseudohennaphroditism (DMP).
    B. Defect in testicular hormone synthesis
  3. Leydig cell aplasia
  4. Inborn error of testosterone biosynthesis
    i) 17-alpha hydroxyalse deficiency iv) 3 beta-hydroxy
    steroid dehydrogenase deficiency.
    ii) 17-20 lyase deficiency v) 20-22
    desmolase deficiency
    iii) 17-ketosteroid reductase deficiency.
    C. Defect in mullerian inhibiting hormone action
    D. Defect in androgen action
    -alpha reductase deficiency 4. Reifenstein
  5. Testicular feminization syndrome 5. Undertermined
  6. Incomplete testicular feminization syndrome
    True hermaphroditism
    Both ovarian and testicular tissues are present either in the same
    (ovotestis) or opposite gonads.