Most common cause of Broncho-Pnuemonia- Staphylococcus aureus

Please read carefully and

Try this :

Most common cause of Broncho-Pnuemonia- Staphylococcus aureus

Most common cause of Lobar Pneumonia- Pneumococcus.

#Now_read_this :

Just remember these 3 things

  1. You can’t finish the whole syllabus for exams in the next 10 days. You can’t stress yourself and depress yourself and perform poorer than what’s actually possible in the exams. That’s called letting yourself down.

  2. What matters is what you can do in the 3.5 hours in the exam hall. Have a good night’s sleep and eat light on the day of exam but do eat.

  3. Keep yourself aware of the Q.paper, the surroundings and what is actually expected of you in each question. Do not assume anything. Don’t be too skeptical/cynical to mistrust each question nor too causal with each. How do u get the balance ? Only by solving more MCQs. Do as many MCQs as possible or revise the notes you made out of MCQs. Even if u get 30 repeats from what you do, your ranks will zoom ahead.

Now answer this question:

What is the most common Pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus?

If your answer is Broncho-pnuemonia, you haven’t read this question well.

The most common Pnuemonia caused by Staph is -Lobar Pneumonia but the most common cause of broncho pneumonia is -Staph.

This post may annoy you or stress you but it’s better to be aware now of nuances than after the exams.

Read point 3 once again. Read the question paper well. No panic,no urgency. Read the question well before u put ur brain into analyzing what the answer might be. Try to understand what exactly is expected of you from each question.

No one can stop you from getting the success of your choice except your own self. I whole heartedly wish the best for you ! Go win the World

only if the riddle helps understand the ground reality. Else it won’t be making much sense. You are welcome and wishing you the best of success dear

ur most welcome. I have replied to ur inbox msg too. It’s kinda late I guess but wishing you the best in ur exams

Sir how much McQ s can be done now …prev yr papers n sub wise ?? Plz tell