Most imgs apply for IM/FM/paeds because they're easier to get into

Most imgs apply for IM/FM/paeds because they’re easier to get into, and some people just want to do residency in the US.

There’s also a myth that surgery is ‘near impossible’ to get into, which is further propagated by people who have no proof to back that claim, just hearsay.

Yes it is relatively harder, and yes most imgs start off with prelim positions, but its 100% attainable.

general surgery is doable. Is little harder than IM. but with research and a dedicated CV its possible. Aim for above average scores. You don’t HAVE to be 250+ but it would be good. Apply for prelim surgery and prove yourself in that year. If you want a surgical subspeciality e.g. ortho i would say you need to be a SUPER candidate. ( scores at the bare minimum 250+ , papers, connections) - huge investment on your part