My Granddaughter born on the 21/12/2019 via emergancy c-section is suffering from a unknown illness the first 24 hours or more she was under the effects of the morphine and anesthesia administered to her mother during the c-section. The placenta was exactly half black and dead and half detached, behind the placenta was a lot of blood clots. The symtoms are. Baby Ivy when she falls into deep sleep her oxygen levels drop and resporation drops, heart rate only drops sometimes, this happens regardless of breathing apparatus and oxygen saturation and she has to be stimulated into breathing again. Doctors here have done all they can and are stumped. Brain scans came back good. Lumber puncture was unsuccessful and could not extract any csf fluid for testing. But apart from this problem and when she is awake she is perfectly fine her birth weight was 3210 grams 51cm long head circumference 35cm Please help or direct me to someone who can. Thank you blessed be to all