My study materials for Step3

My study materials for Step3 were UWorld Qbank( did 1.2 times), UW interactive cases(did 1 time) and CCScases (did 1 time). I reviewed FA statistics quickly right before the exam. My UWSA1 10 days before the exam was 222, NBME5 3 days before the exam was 400. Real deal: 224.
In the real exam the time wasn’t enough for me to finish all of the questions. For day 1 and day 2 I had 20 questions left unfinished for each day. I think if you could have 3 minutes left after finishing each block of UWSA1 then time won’t be a problem. For CCS I think UW and CCScases are pretty much enough. There were some quite basic questions in the real exam so I think those who are aiming for a high score SHOULD read FA step1 thoroughly.