Nerve commonly involved in fracture distal shaft of the Humerus

1.Proximal humerus fracture which has maximum chances of avascular necrosis - part
2.two part
3.three part
4.four part

Four part fracture has a high incidence of osteonecrosis.

2.Treatment of choice in 65 year old female with impacted # neck of humerus is -

1.Triangular sling
2.Arm chest strapping

Impacted fracture of surgical neck humerus is treated by rest of the arm in triangular sling.

3.Hanging cast is used in

1.# Femur
2.# Radius
3.# Tibia
4.# Humerus

Most of the closed fractures can be treated by “hanging cast” from shoulder to wrist with the elbow flexed to 90°.
Other methods of conservative treatment are U-slab, chest arm bandage, and functional cast brace (sarmiento).

4.Nerve commonly involved in fracture distal shaft of the Humerus

1.Radial Nerve
4.Circumflex nerve

Radial nerve is the most commonly injured nerve in fracture shaft humerus. It is particularly common in oblique fractures at the junction of middle and distal third bone ( Hoistein-lewis fracture)

5.Point symmertry is not disturbed in which fracture

1.Fracture ulna only
2.Fracture radius only
3.fracture of radius ulna both bones of forearm
4.weak posterior capsule

Actually no option is correct (see previous two explanations). But I will have to find out answer for you : -
If ulna fracture involves olecranon, than three point bony relationship can be disturbed. This can occur either in isolated ulna fracture (option a) or ulna fracture with radium (option c).
Weak posterior capsule can cause dislocation of elbow in which three bony point relationship is disturbed.
Isolated radius fracture will not alter three bony point relationship.