Notification in MCC on resignation of AI R1 seat

Notification in MCC on resignation of AI R1 seat

The notification is clear. As it happened with MDS. The two days clause being removed - this was what was expected. Whether right or not, good that there is clarification now before joining starts.

Explanation below

Scenario 1: Joined AI R1, and if not resigned till 3rd Feb 4 p.m. candidate will attend AI R2 holding the AI R1 seat.

  • 1a) If upgraded, there is a new AI R2 seat you hold. This notification is not relevant. Take a decision on joining or not joining the upgraded AI R2 seat. If you decide to join the newly AI R2 seat then that’s the FINAL seat. This is a choice that can be made by the candidate after AI R2 results.

  • 1b) If not upgraded in AI R2, then the AI R1 seat is the final seat. Not possible to resign the AI R1 seat. Candidate’s name and roll number will be shared with all states and no state can allot any other seat for candidate. So the choice of going into AI R2 with an AI R1 seat in hand becomes crucial.

Scenario 2) Joined AI R1 seat, and resigned before 3rd Feb 4 p.m.

This notification is not relevant. Free exit in AI R1. You can join State R1 seat. Attend AI R2 through same registration without holding an AI R1 seat (state seat holding does not matter). Fill choices in AI R2. Decide on joining after AI R2 results.

  • 2a) If allotted in AI R2 and you join AI R2 allotted seat then it is the final seat.

  • 2b) If allotted in AI R2 and you dont join the AI R2 allotted seat then security deposit forfeited. You can attend state cousneling. You can attend AI mop up if you register fresh and pay again.

  • 2c) If not allotted in AI R2. Security deposit is not forfeited. You can attend state counseling. You can attend AI mop up through same registration.

Scenario 3) Allotted in AI R1 and did not join before 28th. Again this notification is not relevant. Free exit. Fill choices in AI R2 with same registration without holding an AI R1 seat (state seat does not matter). Decide on joining after AI R2 results. Same scenarios as 2a), 2b) and 2c)

Most important part of this is to ensure that state results are released before the 3rd of Feb, at least a day or two before. Most state schedules do that - so fine. If upgradation is possible in State, hold on to state seat, even if it is the same seat as AIQ.

Even if this notification had come in earlier, choices and order SHOULD have been almost the same. Some may have been better It is the choice of joining an ai r1 seat that matters now.