Passed STEP3 ! Thanks everyone!

Passed STEP3 !!
Thanks everyone !!

exam date: 3/4-5
score : 213
UWSA 1 : 200(5 wks before)
UWSA 2: 210(2 wks before)
background: PGY 3, Japan. 2020

Day 1
Many basic questions, STEP1 style especially micro
Understand the mechanism of medication we prescribe in STEP3 questions
Drug ad Qs each block, not so difficult

Day 2
MCQs and CCS are difficult
Unable to diagnose 1 case in CCS

Strongly suggest CCS practice, my preparation was only one month, it was too short.
Shaher’s case book is very good for introduction.
Next UWorld CCS interactive cases again and again (I tackled 2.5 times). My CCS performance was usual.

Without this forum, I wouldn’t have passed STEP3 exam, Thank you so much!!