Pediatric Endocrinology Sperling 4th Edition

Pediatric Endocrinology Sperling 4th Edition is a single, convenient volume, Pediatric Endocrinology ensures complete coverage of all aspects of basic science and clinical practice, good for both pediatricians and endocrinologists. Pediatric endocrinology expert Dr. Mark Sperling is with world-knowned authors to bring you up to date with the latest key developments in every area of the field, providing invaluable guidance on how your clinical decision making will be affected by today’s technological and scientific advances. The user-friendly text is enhanced by all-new online access to the complete contents of the book and more.

Determine the best possible course for every patient with easy-to-follow algorithms in every clinical chapter.
Stay up to date with today’s hottest topics, including neonatal diabetes , Type II childhood diabetes, molecular endocrinology, and genetics.
Explore the impact of today’s advances and challenges, including explosive growth in molecular biology, sophisticated imaging techniques, and an increase in both pediatric diabetes and obesity.

Pediatric Endocrinology Sperling 4th Edition

     searchable contents of the book and new self-assessment questions online at Expert Consult.

Quickly access the information you need with a new, streamlined organization (Concepts, Endocrine Disorders of the Newborn, Endocrine Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, and Laboratory Tests and Imaging).