PLAB Memory Based Questions (Part 13 of 13)

What does the diagnostic x ray of a patient with signs and symptoms of tuberculosis looks like?

  • What is the patient with excessive bronchial secretions-not able to expectorate suffering from? hyoscine

  • scabies-Malathion

  • A 30 yr old business man has palpitations and urinary frequency. He is sweating. His urine dipstick is + ve for glucose and ketones. His plasma glucose is 26mmol-Answer is type 1 diabetes

  • A 65 yr old woman has a recurrent vaginal itch. Her reports show of BMI of 33. Random BLOOD GLUCOSE is 15 mmol. What is she suffering from? type 2 diabetes

  • A 55 yr old man has glycosuria. After a two hr glucose tolerance test, his plasma glucose is 9mmol. What do you conclude? impaired glucose tolerance

  • about salicylate poisoning determine the acid base abnormality

  • SBA abt the man with the panic attack? Rebreath into an airbag IS THE TREATMENT

  • What is a child with h/o orchitis and parotid sweeling suffering from? Mumps

  • a man in fire accident with soot particles-anaes help? 96/130

  • Puerperal Psychosis (6 months after the birth of baby)

  • A 4 year old girl has been suffering hx of fever and cough since last 2 − 3 days. She has non blanching pin point rash on her legs-What are the options other than FBC?

  • A young girl presenting with s&s of SLE-Auto antibodies.

  • A young child with s&s of meningitis but no rash-blood culture-Why is it not LP?

  • Patient with Breast CA presenting with altered consciouness-cerebral metastasis

  • Pateient with left sided mastectomy and axillary clearance, now presents with swollen left hand. What is he suffering from? lympoedema

  • H/o breast cancer, now presents with polyuria, polydipsia-Hypercalcemia

  • Patient with h/o breast cancer-h/o fall and FRACTURE of femur i think. Which fracture is it? pathological FRACTURE

  • Answer was spinal metastasis. Which stem does it belong to?


  • A patient has some expressive speech problem. His problem is related to Broca's Area

  • Occupational asthma is where the patients symptoms are resolved after he goes on holiday

  • THE ONE WITH KERNIGS SIGN + IVE-DIAGNOSIS WAS MENINGITIS-What would be your investigation? Blood Culture


  • A 47 year old man who suffers from chronic asthma has pyrexia and coughs green sputum. His PEFR is <80% of his normal value

  • A woman gives vaginal birth at term to a baby boy. She has Hepatitis B and is Concerned about the risk of transmitting it to her baby. What do you do? Give Hep B vaccine + Hep B immunoglobulin.

  • A young patient, is suffering from episodic abdominal pain. All examinations and Ix are normal, Rx? I chose re assure.

  • Patient of bronchial asthma on beta agonists and prednisolone, had a surgey. The following day she had hypotension and potassium imbalance. Her drug charts showed that fluids were adequate and she was on no other medication. What is it (Addisonian crisis)?

  • Patient suffering from some kind of pain, took NSAID and then developed wheezes ans dyspnea. What happened? idiosyncratic drug response

  • Patient with exceessive alcohol and smoking with some kind of problem I chose general advice about life style

  • A woman has right sided Chest pain and SOB. He has a temp of 39C and pleural rub in right mid zone-Pneumonia

  • An elderly woman is short of breath. She has an apex beat displaced to the left and an apical systolic murmur-LVF