PLAB Memory Based Questions (Part 7 of 13)

poisoning (salicylates, alcohol, paracetamol, digoxin etc.)

  • s/e of anti epileptics (gum hypertrophy, dec. Na +, liver failure)

  • s/e of anti psychotics (nuetropenia, cardiotoxic, parkinson, anticholinergic, hyperprolactinemia & galactorrhea)

  • CVS theme (cxr with ecg findings, MI, Pulm embolism, ruptured esophagus, calcified node or costochondritis)

  • What will happen if croup prognosis is left untreated?

  • pictures from derma (herpes, spider nevi, neurofibroma, erythema nod. septic enceph)

  • Renal tubular acidosis type IV, Inc. K + and Inc. Cl-

  • Anti partum hemorrhage theme (blood transfusion, vaccination, synto, re open etc.)

  • CA ovary (-ve USG go for CA125, h/o debulking surg. Now intest. Obst. 2 questions on recurrence do CT pelvis)

  • theme on Dementia (old man, old woman, senile, alzhiemers, vascular, lewy body)

  • s/s of psychiatric illness (Depression, Bipolar disorder, post partum psychosis etc.)

  • SBA on post partum depression.

  • d/x of fetal problems b4 birth (double buble sign, fetal echo for card. Disease, amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling, fetal anatomy)

  • tumor peri vulval region-tumor involving thyroid + sternocleidomastoid.

  • vaginal discharge (Shut Up. Part has STD, B/L Iliac fossa pain, clue cells, shallow ulcers, blood after micturating)

  • SBA risk of CA ovary ( + ve family history)

  • theme on pelvis infections (deep dysparunia, supra pubic pain etc.)

  • use of anesthesia (foreign body cornea, c-section, excision of cyst, IOL implantation)

  • shipyard worker with opacity on cxr + effusion (mesothelioma)

  • paeds (child wid h. o bleeding from mouth + broken tongue fenulum, kid with foster mother, h. o fract. In school 5 times in last 3 months, baby with 3 fract. Post. Ribs, father deaf wat 2 c in Baby i think LFT i.e.. Alport, child with retinal hemorrhage)

  • Ca tonsil (ulcer on tonsil with otalgia)

  • etiology of resp diseases (bronchiolitis, child hood asthma, cystic fibrosis, ciliary diskinesia)

  • sba on fracture of scaphoid.

  • back pain epidemiolgy (5 statements each for Ankylosis, RA, OA, osteoprosis etc.)

  • investigation for palipation (5 questions, tsh, ecg)

  • h/o fall (TIA, syncope, post. Hypotension etc.)

  • endocrinal d/x (adisonian, hyperthyroid, prolactinoma, acromegaly, conns syndrome)

  • invest of headache (temp. Arterietis, basilar arty isch, facial art. Injury, temporal bone fracture)

  • fracture s1 level of spinal cord.

  • What body structures are pierced when we pass between ant. Sup. Ilac spine & umblicus while doing laparoscopy?