Q 56 what is the typical feature of nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel syndrome?

Q 56 what is the typical feature of nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel syndrome ?
A ) Erythema is present in the cutaneous distribution of median nerve
B ) Motor symptms precedes sensory symptoms
C ) Symptoms diminish by wrist flexion
D ) Pain worsens at night

Q 57 Most common complication of fracture of ischiopubic ramus of pelvic bone ?
A) rupture of urinary bladder
B ) injury to penile urethra
C ) rupture of prostatic urethra
D ) rupture of membranous urethra

Q 58 sprain of ankle jt results in injury to ?
A ) posterior tibiofibular ligament
B ) anterior tibiofibular ligament
C ) deltoid ligament
D ) spring ligament

Q 59 Bankart lesion is stripping of glenoid labrum from ?
A ) ant part
B ) anterosuperior part
C ) anteroinferior part
D ) posterosuperior part

Q 60 Most common cause of ant knee pain ?
A ) Plica syndrome
B ) Cong discoid meniscus
C ) Chondromalacia patellae
D ) Prepatellar bursitis