Radio branch saturated now a days

Radio branch saturated now a days…even every clinical branch learn usg,ct …???

Yes…As saturation spreads to other fields and number of cases and earnings of individual doctors are coming down they are trying to snatch as much as they can…Since they are the first contact…and a radiologist will only get the case if someone refers it…whether it’s fetal echo by pediatric cardiologist ; b scan by technicians or ophthalmologist ; fetal usg by obstetrician ; fibroscan by hepatologists and gastroenterologists ; echocardiography by cardiologists ; lung usg by pulomonologist and intensivist; msk usg by pain spcialists…everyone is trying their best to snatch…while at the same time x ray technologists ; ct technologists ; mri technologists are trying their best to ward away moderately difficult cases so that radiologists charges are saved

But report given by radiologist is only valid