Rashee Gupta - USMLE Step 2 CK Experience

Did just Uw. 1.6 times.
1st time, read all ques and made notes of extra points in UW notes (all uw notes)
2nd time, marked ques I was unsure of and reviewed along with wrong ones. Was able to do
about 60%
Read all uw notes along with annotations once cover to cover ( along with uw 2nd pass)
Did only one assessment as I didn’t have time for others. Scored 256 on uwsa1 about 15 days
before the exam. A similar gap was present with step 1 uwsa so I was anticipating the score drop.
Otherwise uwsa are normally predictive in step 2 ck.
Didn’t do cme/mtb. Just Uw and uw notes.
It’s actually enough to score 250 also. I didn’t have time to revise properly. Keep 1.5 month for
final uw notes revision and assessment and you should be good.
Happy to be done with step 1 and Ck.
Exam: i knew timing would be a problem, so I practiced in advance. I was finishing most blocks of
uw in 2nd pas in 45-50min. Some in 40min. Still my 1st 2 blocks I was panicking as was just able to
finish in time. The rest were okay.
I got very tired in step 1 so I practiced an 8 block-9 hours sitting with Uw blovks. This really helped
and step 2 ck exam was not so tiring.
In step 1 i ate a lot of chocolate. That might have caused sugar crash eventually. So I was light with
them this time. I took protein (paneer sandwich, eggs) for lunch and dates, granola bars, almonds
for snacks to keep energy high. I had half a dairy milk in the whole day. And redbull.
Breaks were 2-1-1-lunch break-2-1-1 with shorter breaks of 7-10 min and long 20min lunch break.
Questions are welcomed. Please ask in the comments and not personal msgs so that people with
similar doubts get answers too.
Love to all