Regarding the Clinical Audit Workshop

Regarding the Clinical Audit Workshop:

I was expecting around 50 participants but to my surprise, I have received almost 500 requests till now. I am for sure going to accommodate everyone but I believe for a hands-on experience I will have to limit the number of participants per session. Hence, I have planned to conduct the workshop in batches of 20.

Although I will try to do as many batches as possible every week, I have a lot of other personal and professional commitments due to which it might take some time for your turn to come. So, if you do not hear back from me soon, be informed that I have you on my mind and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Also, my apologies to those who have sent me messages and I haven’t been able to reply yet. I try my best to respond to each and every message but at times it becomes really difficult. I understand the reasons for not being able to communicate your problems openly. I will try my best to respond and help as much as I can 🙂

P.S. Remember in prayers