residual hyperparathyroidism is rise of pth levels seen within 6 weeks of surgery
And recurrent HPT is rise of pth levels after 6 weeks of surgery .
What about before 6 months ? if in any question if its given say 3 months …should we consider it residual?
Persistent parathyroidism is defined as hypercalcemia that fails to resolve after parathyroidectomy i.e. within 6 weeks of surgery. Recurrent parathyroidism is hyperparathyroidism that occurs after an intervening period of at least 6 months of biochemically documented normocalcemia. Causes of persistent/recurrent hyperparathyroidism include:
Ectopic parathyroid
Unrecognized hyperplasia - graft site hyperplasia
Missed adenoma in normal position
Incomplete resection
Familial hyperparathyroidism
MEN-1 syndrome
Thank you.