Schizophrenia is more common in which socioeconomic strata

Schizophrenia is more common in
which socioeconomic strata ?
a) Middle
b) Upper
c) Low
d) Upper middle
Correct Answer - C
Ans. is ‘c’ i.e., Low
'Schizophrenia is more prevalent in patients having a lower
socioeconomic status". - Namboodiri
Etiology of Schizophrenia
The exact etiology is not clear. Experts think schizophrenia is
caused by several factors.

  1. Heredity (Genetic factors)
    Schizophrenia runs in families. The illness occur in 0.5-1% of
    general population. However, First degree relative of schizophrenic
    patients have a 10 times more lifetime risk of having illness. The risk
    is 3-6 times and 2 times more in second and third degree relatives,
  2. Environmental factors
    Environmental factors and stress are important in precipitating
    schizophrenia in many individuals. These factors are : ?
  3. Socioeconomic : - Low socio-economic status, Industrialization;
    Immigration; familes with high expressed emotions; Nuclear families;
    Schisms & skewed families; and pseudomutul & pseudohostile
  4. Drugs : - Drugs causing schizophrenia like state are amphetamine
    (most common causative drug), LSD, Phencyclidine, ketamine,
    Mescaline, Cocaine, Cannabis.
  5. Metabolic & Neurological disorders : - Schizophrenia like symptoms
    may occur in Huntington’s chorea (early stage), homocystinuria,
    acute intermittent porphyria, Wilson’s disease and
  6. Biochemical factors
    Dopamine hypothesis is the most accepted hypothesis for
    schizophrenia. There is hyperactivity of dopaminergic system. This
    hypothesis is supported by: 1) Amphetamine and cocaine which
    release dopamine in central synapses induce schizophrenia like
    symptoms; and 2) Antipsychotic drugs control the schizophrenic
    symptoms by blocking dopamine (D,) receptors. However, the
    dipamine hypothesis has been questioned also as Homo vanillic
    acid (HVA the principal metabolite of dopamine) is not elevated and
    prolactin level is not decreased (Dopamine has inihibitory action on
    prolactin release).
    Other neurotransmitters involved are : - Increased serotonin,
    Decreased GABA, variable change (Increased or decreased)
    glutamate, and increased norepinephrine