Sir always gives honest takes on choosing a branch without being diplomatic

sir always gives honest takes on choosing a branch without being diplomatic. What would you suggest if it’s a choice between MD Anesthesia vs Patho, sir? Pros and cons of both
Thanks in advance

beta any day MD anaesthesia; lot of scope; more than pato for sure…

sir between anesthesia and opthal

see optha needs a lot of fine surgeries; so you shouldnt have fine tremors; no back issues and also for own setup it needs good amount of money (atleast one crore); also optha is not end branch you have to do a feelowship for atleast one year (mandatory); anaesthesia doesnt have these issues… but optha once established fetches you more returns than anaesthesia

sir 24k rank i got after 1 yr drop… always wanted to be a clinician. What all branches is possible with this sir?