So just a post about the useless comments and replies that appear in this group more frequently lately

So just a post about the useless comments and replies that appear in this group more frequently lately.

If you find a person who is insecure about his/her step scores, unless you have few words to support, don’t reply (please no one wants to see who funny you are, just STFU)

If you find a person asking a stupid question (from your prospective), agian don’t answer it, no one will sue you if you kept your silence.

If you find a person asking a repeated question, either show him/her the post where the topic was discussed, or again keep your silence.

Now here is a thing, many people here are doing their best, many of us are people with limited income, many of us are old graduates, many of us are people with average scores, many of us are people without any research experiences, many of us are mothers who are raising their children or a parent who works to afford for his/her family.

So, Unless you have something positive to say, or something helpful to provide then please STFU.

For the people who laughs about the others poor performance or emotions or knowledge, will,


👏 you might managed to get that outstanding score but you failed to be a human that suppose to help other sick humans.

bang on target. We are doctors for heavens sake. Would be best for everyone to develop some empathy and improve behaviour