Some Culture-Bound Syndromes are as follows Dhat syndrome

Some Culture-Bound Syndromes are as follows Dhat syndrome
A culture-bound syndrome prevalent in Indian subcontinent. C/b complaint of passage of ‘dhat’ in urine. Multiple somatic symptoms. Asthenia May be anxiety, depression or sexual dysfunction associated. Koro
Prevalent in Asia including India. Affected male pt believes that his penis is shrinking & may disappear into his abdominal wall & he may die. Females affected infrequently, believing that their breasts & vulva are shrinking. Amok
Prevalent in South-East Asia. C/b sudden, unprovoked episode of rage in which affected person runs about & indiscriminately injures or kills any person who in encountered on the way. Latah (Startle reaction)
Prevalent in South-East Asia & Japan. More in women, c/b automatic obedience, echolalia & echopraxia. Windigo (Wihtigo)
Prevalent in native American Indians. Pt believes that he has been transformed into a wihtigo, a cannibal monster, occurring especially during times of starvation. Shinkeishitsu
A defense syndrome, mainly of anxiety but with obsessive features occurring in young Japanese thrown into a modern industrial society for which they are not equipped. They feel inadequate, lost & unloved. Susto Occurs in Latin America. Pt believes that his body is entered by a magical substance & that he is altered. It takes on a delusional quality. Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria)
Occurs in Askimos. Often female, who screams & tears off her clothes, throw herself on ice in extremely cold conditions. She may imitate the cry of a bird or an animal. The episode lasting for 1-2 hours, f/b amnesia of events. Other culture-bound syndromes in India are- Suchi-bai syndrome (purity mania), Ascetic syndrome, Nuptial psychosis & Jhin-jhinia.