A young man develops nonfluent, effortful speech with dysarthria. He is able to undertsand speech. He fails to repeat the sentence. What would you do next?#
a. XR skull
b. Non-contrast CT brain
c. Contrast CT brain
d. Contrast MRI optic nerves
e. 4-vessel cerebral angiogram
f. Single vessel cerebral angiogram
g. Cerebral angiography
h. MRI frontal lobe
i. MRI pituitary gland
j. MRI temporal lobe
answer: H
main one’s to know for the exam
Broca’s area (frontal lobe) [Non-Fluent - Understands well - Repeats poorly - Naming poor]
Wernicke’s area (temporal lobe) [Fluent - Understands poorly - Repeats poorly - Naming well]