Supracondylar fracture of the humerus

1.After falling from a height, a child lands on his fully out stretched hands. On examination there is pain and swelling over his right elbow. Give your probable diagnosis -

1.Fracture olecranon
2.Post dislocation of elbow
3.supra condylar fracture of humerus
4.fracture both bones forearm

Pain and swelling in a child after falling on outstretched hands suggest the diagnosis of supracondylar humeral fracture, which is the most common elbow injury in children.
Colles fracture, posterior dislocation and olecranon fracture are uncommon in children.

2.The malunion of supracondylar fracture of the humerus most commonly leads to -

1.Flexion deformity
2.Cubitus varus
3.Cubitus valgus
4.Extension deformity
Cubitus varus, also known as a “gunstock deformity”, is the most common complication of supracondylar fracture humerus, due to malunion.

3.A 3 year old girl has developed painful elbow after being jerked by the forearm. The next thing to be done is -

1.Cuff & collar sling immobilization
2.Reduction setting and AEPOP application
3.X-ray and elevation of limb in posterior slab
4.Fully supinate the forearm

This is case of pulled elbow and a dramatic cure is achieved by forcefully supinating and then flexing the elbow.