The the It is an acute infection of the lungs of viral origin, which affects children under two years of age. It is characterized by an inflammation of the bronchioles, these small channels following the bronchial that lead the air to the lung cells. Children who are affected have a difficult and wheezing breathing.
An infection with the respiratory syncytial virus or vrs, in the majority of cases. However, not all children infected with this virus develop a virus.
Contagious and contamination
The virus in question is transmitted through the airways, and can be transported by dirty objects, hands, sneezing and secretions.
Symptoms of medians last from 2 TO 3 weeks, with the mean duration being 13 days.
Usually mild, however, may lead to some more or less serious complications, depending on the case (bacterial superinfection, seizures, respiratory distress…)
Symptoms Symptoms
Dehydration related to the fact that the child cough too much to absorb liquid through the mouth. In this case, the baby can be irritable, have tongue and lips dry, cry without tears and stop pee.
For the next two to five days: fever, cough a cough, difficult and fast.
Warning Signs: a cold with major nasal flows, sneezing, a rather dry cough, a light fever, a refusal to eat.
Signs of deterioration:
- the beat of the wings of the nose
- the draw
- fast breathing
- accelerated heart rate
- Blue colouring of the skin, nails and lips caused by the lack of oxygen (rare and serious);
- Crackles (during inspiration, a succession of dry noises is heard).
Prevention Prevention
- wash often and carefully your hands;
- do not expose the child to second smoke, whether at home or in public places;
- do not put the child in the presence of infected people. Please note that the stay in daycare significantly increases the risk of being infected with the respiratory syncytial virus. Ideally, in times of outbreak, it will be better not to register the child in a daycare centre before the age of six months to prevent serious forms of therapy;
- daily disinfect objects (Bottles, toys, kitchen utensils, etc.) ) and surfaces put in contact with the young child.
â–ˇ breastfeeding
As with most childhood diseases, breastfeeding provides the child with the vaccines he has not yet had time to develop.
Treatment Treatment
In all cases of patients, you should consult a doctor immediately.
If it is a light form of therapy, treatment may continue without risk at home. Hospital will be used if the doctor finds risk factors of bad prognosis, particular risk factors, too low oxygen saturation, dehydration that we cannot correct oral or other signs of complications.